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As a reminder, the ADC will be closed on Monday, February 17th in recognition of Presidents' Day.




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Get Involved

Promises Kept Society

Please consider the ADC in your estate planning.

Those who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to the ADC through a planned gift are recognized as members of our Promises Kept Society. 

If you have included the ADC in your will or would like additional information regarding a planned gift, please contact the Development Office. 

Read Below to Learn More

  • Wills & Estates

    A charitable bequest in your will or trust allows you to make a contribution to the Adult Day Center without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime.

    If you would like to remember the Adult Day Center in your will, the proper legal wording for a bequest is:

    “I give and bequeath to the Adult Day Center of Somerset County (either the actual amount or percentage if it is a residuary gift) for (the purpose of or the fund) OR the most urgent need as identified by the board of trustees.”

  • Gifts of Insurance

    You can make a gift of life insurance by naming the ADC as the owner or beneficiary of all or a portion of your life insurance policy. When the ADC is named the owner of a paid-up policy or policy with internal cash value on which future payments are owed, you may claim a charitable deduction.

  • Stocks & Bonds

    Donate Stocks and Bonds
    A gift of your securities, including your stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a gift.

    By making a gift of your appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets.

    Please call our Director of Development Key Sampson (908-725-0068 x103) and she will give you our DTC account information to expedite your donation.

  • Gifts of Retirement Assets

    You can name the ADC as a survivor beneficiary on your qualified retirement plan. Your broker or financial advisor will provide you with more information.

  • Cryptocurrency

    We are also able to accept donations of cryptocurrency. You can do that here.

    By donating your cryptocurrency, you will invest in our mission. The IRS classifies cryptocurrencies as property, so cryptocurrency donations to 501(c)3 charities receive the same tax treatment as stocks. Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes.